
Top 10 Gluten Free Products to Buy at Costco


When going gluten free, whether for health reasons or by choice, one of the hardest things is risking expensive purchases and not knowing if you will like it or not! So I am sharing some of my favorite Costco gluten free products that are so worth the money.

If you have eaten the gluten free diet, whether by choice or by diagnosis, you have probably realized two things: 1. You pretty much have to cook everything, or 2. Buy pre-made gluten free products that are incredibly expensive.

For me I have a slight gluten intolerance that has led me to the gluten free diet. And though I make ALOT of things from home, there are certain things that I would rather just purchase. However, when making a purchase of gluten free items, its always a shot in the dark whether it will be good or not. Sometimes gluten free products lack taste, texture, and the I want more aspect. You feel as though you are being punished rather than enjoying something to eat.

So I have decided to share with you some of my favorite gluten free products you can buy at Costco! And if you dont have a Costco membership, then you can order online I am sure!

1. autumns gold grain free granola bars

So these gluten free granola bars are absolutely freaking delicious!! Sometimes with gluten free granola bars you feel as though you are eating dried dirt; no flavor, the texture leaves you needing a gallon of water, and they are freaking expensive.

My husband and I were walking around Costco and thank God they were giving out free samples of this bar because I never would have spent the money on it. Mainly because I have tried gluten free granola bars before and been pretty disappointed. BUT THESE. Autumns Gold Grain Free Granola Bars are literally the tastiest granola bars I have ever had, gluten free or not!

They taste sort of like a cinnamon roll. YES. And their texture is heaven on Earth. I literally threatened my husband telling him not to eat all of them.

So go try these out! Even if you dont eat gluten free they are worth the buy!

Autumnss Gold Grain Free Cinnamon Almond (16Count/1.24 oz), 19.84 oz

2. Miltons cauliflower crust pizza

Okay so listen. If you know me you know that I LOATHE cauliflower. It has a lot to do with a personal experience of seeing someone with cauliflower ear in middle school. But also the taste. I cant help it.

HOWEVER. Once again, free samples at Costco saved my life. I love frozen pizza. It saves us on busy days when we dont have time or really dont feel like cooking dinner. Often gluten free frozen pizzas are lacking in taste and texture. No one likes a soggy pizza.

Miltons Cauliflower Crust Pizza is to die for! I bought the kind that has veggie based sausage on it and it is so delicious you cant even tell youre not eating regular pizza OR regular meat. I believe there is also a roasted veggie and regular cheese version too! Get it, its delicious.

3. harvest snaps green pea snack crisps

Healthy. Delicious. SO FREAKING TASTY. I love these things. Honestly I bought these prior to eating gluten free and danced when I realized they were gluten free approved! They are so yummy and healthy and you can eat them without feeling like crap (like when you scarf down a whole bag of flaming hot Cheetos).

These are perfect for snack time, your kiddos, and even to blitz up and coat some chicken in! I love them so much. There are also tons of variety of flavors from wasabi ranch, sweet chili, and black pepper. I love them all. Just get them!

Harvest Snaps Organic Calbee Lightly Salted Snapeas, 20 Ounce

4. organic aussie bites

Okay so disclaimer on these! They contain whole grain oats which is debatable on the gluten free issue. They ARE gluten free but you have to make sure with celiac disease whether or not the grains are processed in a facility that has also processed wheat products.

Aussie bites do not claim to be gluten free for this purpose only. SO. If you are choosing gluten free for personal choice and not for celiac purposes then these are okay for you. If you have celiac disease then I would pass on these depending on your sensitivity!

Okay so these babies are freaking yummy! They are healthy, have tons of delicious ingredients, and they are so easy to grab on the go for a snack or quick breakfast. Full of flavor, they have things like coconut, dried apricots, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and honey!

To me they taste similar to like an oatmeal raisin cookie! I definitely recommend you try these!

Universal Bakery Expect More Organic Aussie Bites, 32 count

5. moon cheese

If you love snacks like cheez-its or any kind of cheese type cracker that is not out-of-bounds, these are perfect for you.

They are literally made with cheese. Thats it.

Super cheesy. Super tasty. Highly recommended!

Even if youre not gluten free these are just a healthier option over some of the other processed choices. PLUS your kids will love them.

Moon Cheese 100% Natural Cheese Snack Cheddar 10 oz 2 Pack

6. Birch benders gluten free pancake & Waffle mix

Oh delicious warm, fluffy, steaming, pancakes. They are so warming and comforting. When I went gluten free I was very sad over losing my relationship with pancakes.

Birch Benders has stepped in to save the day. Their gluten free pancake and waffle mix is perfection. AND you only have to add water (not 15 eggs, you first born son, and a mortgage). Sometimes gluten free mixes need everything but your kitchen sink which can get expensive and tiring.

For the gluten free, keto, or paleo dieter, I highly recommend this brand!

Paleo Pancake & Waffle Mix by Birch Benders, Low-Carb, High Protein, High Fiber, Gluten-free, Low Glycemic, Prebiotic, Keto-Friendly, Made with Cassava, Coconut & Almond Flour, 12 oz

7. Kirkland brands maple syrup

To go with your Birch Benders pancakes, Kirklands maple syrup is sooooo good. One thing many dont know when starting the gluten free diet is that most maple syrups are a no-go.

Brands like Aunt Jemima, Mrs. Butterworth, and so many others often have hidden gluten ingredients (make sure to check all of your labels).

So you have to buy organic, 100% pure maple syrups (which I have found are expensive and in very small bottles *rolls eyes*).

Costcos Kirkland Brand of Maple Syrup is organic and gluten free and not too expensive. You get tons of product and its so delicious!

Kirkland Signature 100% Maple Syrup, Dark Amber, 33.8 fl. oz.

8. Kirklands chicken stock

Another shocker for the new gluten free eater is that MOST chicken, beef, veggie broths have hidden gluten in them as a thickener! With the upcoming holiday seasons, most recipes need some form of broth!

Costcos Chicken stock is certified gluten free AND you get sick of them! This is one of my favorite finds recently that has me so excited! I can get tons of product for a great price and not have to worry about hidden ingredients!

Definitely recommend!

Kirkland Signature Organic Gluten-Free Chicken Stock Reasealable Cartons: 6-Count (32 fl oz.)

9. Udis gluten free bread

If youre gluten free then you know Udis brand I am sure! I have found for ANY gluten free bread, a tip is to always toast! It makes it soooo much better and feels like you are eating fancy bread rather than wheatless bread.

I love Udis brand and found out that you can get a two-pack of the multigrain type at Costco! This is so awesome because gluten free breads dont have as much of the product as its counterpart so you often have to buy more than one. I buy a two-pack and then put one in my freezer and I am good for a couple of weeks!

I am so happy to see more gluten free products making the shelves and this is one of my favorites.

Udis Gluten Free Foods, Whole Grain Bread, 12 Ounce

10. Tipiaks 36-count French macarons

Saved desert for last. Oh my goodness. When I found out macarons are gluten free naturally, I was so excited. However, these babies are expensive! But Costco has a 36-count French macaron set that are so delicious and run about $15.00.

They are all delicious but my favorites were the pistachio and milk chocolate ones. These are perfect for a sweet snack at the end of your day, to put out at a baby shower or party, or to even gift to the person you know eating gluten free!

I love them so much! Yall definitely need to give them a try.

French Macarons Mixed 36 pcs

SO that is my list of TOP 10 GLUTEN FREE PRODUCTS at Costco! Everyone I would personally recommend and have in my kitchen right now! Let me know if you have any more you have found so I can get in on that too!

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