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Today I am writing about one of any favorite meals.. Indian sticky Chicken! Its soooo good! And I know I say that about so many foods (mostly because I like everything) but this one is legit so good! I cant wait for you to try it!
What gives this recipe the Indian flavor is the Garam Masala! If you havent made anything with this spice mix yet, you are missing out my friend. Now Im not saying that this is authentic indian food by any means, it just has Indian spices that give it its main flavor. The sticky part comes from honey that is added all over it after its done cooking and cooked down to make a beautiful flavorful sauce that is wonderful drizzled over the top after plated!
So lets dive into it!!!
Here is what you will need..
Chicken thighs, Garam Masala, salt, peper, honey, and olive oil. Thats it!!! 6 things!!
Lay your chicken thighs out on a baking sheet or cutting board and drizzle with olive oil.

Salt and pepper your chicken then season liberally with the Garam Masala!

The smell of this seasoning is amazing!!!!! I love the smell that it fills my house when cooking with it!
Okay, now heat up a large pan and add a few table spoons of olive oil to the pan coating the bottom. Then add your chicken in and cook.

Cook until you get that beautiful golden brown color! Then flip and get that color on this side!

Cook another 3 or 4 minutes or until golden brown on this side, then add your honey. Cook honey for a few minutes until it starts to thicken up and coat each piece of chicken. Toss your chicken around to coat them.

Thats it! It is so easy and so delicious! Drizzle your sauce over the meat once served and I promise you will love it!
Make it and let me know what you think!!!
I serve mine with rice or couscous and a roasted vegetable. On the picture below, I served the sticky chicken over couscous with toasted pine nuts with roasted purple cabbage on the side!

Indian Sticky Chicken
6 -8 chicken thighs, boneless skinless
Garam Masala
salt&peper to taste
3 tablespoons of olive oil
1/2 Cup of honey
Lay chicken out and season with salt and pepper to taste. Liberally season with Garam Masala.
Heat oil in a skillet and add your chicken. Cook for about 3 minutes on each side or until each side is golden brown.
Once youve browned both sides of chicken, add in your honey and cook the honey down by stirring until it thickens a little and coats the chicken.
Serve with rice or couscous and a roasted vegetable! Drizzle the sauce over the chicken after plated.