
Homemade Peanut Butter


Hey, hi, hello! I think Im about to change your life.

Do you, like me, eat PB by the spoonful?! After work, before the gym, as a snack, in bedyou know, whenever theres an opportunity? Well then, keep reading!!

I used to go to the grocery store and peruse the health food section, desperately looking for a decent-priced nut butter, but was always disappointed. Its SO expensive to buy any sort of spread, from peanut to tree nut. I would then be stuck purchasing the normal brand name butters (which are delicious, but who knows what goes into them)?! And then I thought, I should just make my own! How have I never thought of this before??? How hard could it be? I asked myself. Not hard. Not hard at all. Its actually the opposite of hard. And the best part is I know everything that I am putting into my body. Amazing. Sometimes I have good ideas.

So heres what you need:

  • Peanuts
  • Salt

Thats it! Two ingredients. Its really too good to be true.

So here we go: Put the peanuts in a food processor with the salt and blend. Seven and a half minutes laterDONE. You made peanut butter. No sugars, no stabilizers, no other additives. Just pure legume-y goodness. Yay!

Okay. Ill break it down a bit more for the non-believers. Step 1: Add about 4 cups of dry-roasted peanuts to a food processor with 1 teaspoon of salt. Pulse a couple of times to break up the peanuts and mix in the salt. It should look something like this:

Step 2: Set your food processor to blend and watch the magic happen. Blend for 2-3 minutes and stop to scrape down the sides with a spatula and give the motor a break.

Step 3: Blend again for another 2-3 minutes, stopping once more to scrape and rest. You will see the consistency begin to change. The peanuts start to release their oils and the mixture becomes creamier and creamier.

Step 4: Alright, now we blend until happy with the texture. I like my peanut butter pretty smooth, so usually I blend for a total of 8 minutes or so. You be the judge. Stop the food processor every so often to check the consistency. I like mine to look like this when done:

A few teeny, tiny pieces. But mostly smooth!

Drool! So yum. Pour this deliciousness into a mason jar and pop it into your fridge to stay fresh.

Homemade Peanut Butter

Servings: 2

Prep time: 1 minute

Cook time: 8 minutes


  • 4 cups dry-roasted peanuts*
  • 1 tsp salt


  1. Place peanuts into a food processor with the salt and pulse a few times.
  2. Blend for about 7-10 minutes (depending on how smooth you want it), stopping the processor every few minutes to scrape the sides and give the motor a break.
  3. Pour into an air tight jar and store in the fridge.


*You can buy peanuts already dry-roasted (unsalted), but it is always better to do this step yourself from raw peanuts in a 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes, checking every so often to avoid burning.

Additions: If you find this peanut butter is not sweet enough for you, you can always adjust by adding honey or sugar to the recipe.

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