
Apple and pineapple crumble with coconut and peanut butter oats (gluten free, vegan optional)


Our neighbours are American and as today is their Thanksgiving holiday and also happens to be a public holiday here in Congo ( Day of the Republic), we had a feast together. These individual crumbles are my attempt at a traditional Thanksgiving flavour ( the apples) with a Congolese twist (everything else!).

5 small golden delicious apples, peeled and cut into chunks
4 slices fresh pineapple, peeled and cut into chunks
4 tablespoons freshly grated coconut
Coconut oil
For the crumble:
1 cup oats
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon honey or for a vegan version use maple syrup
2 heaped tablespoons peanut butter

Put the apple and pineapple in a saucepan and add very little water ( just so it doesnt stick)
Add the coconut and bring everything to the boil
Cook with the lid on, checking the water often and adding more if needed
Turn down the heat and cook until all the fruit is soft but not puree yet
Remove from heat
Drain off the liquid and divide mixture into 4 ramekins which have been smeared with coconut oil
To make the crumble:
Melt the coconut oil, peanut butter and honey or maple syrup together in a saucepan
Add the oats and stir well until all the oats is well covered
Add the crumble to each ramekin as a topping
Put a small dollop of coconut oil on each and put about a teaspoon of the reserved cooking liquid in each ramekin
Put in the oven at Gas mark 3 and bake uncovered until the crumble on top is nicely browned
Serve warm with coconut milk or coconut cream
Serves 4
Happy Thanksgiving!

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