Okay, so I’m not exactly a food blogger. No Pioneer Woman here. And if you saw my epic bake fail on Netflix, you may be hesitant to follow my food recipes . . . BUT . . . I do have four children who are ALWAYS hungry. Especially in the summer. An hour of swimming and their appetites are insatiable for the rest of the day. I can only fill them with so many granola bars, popsicles, and bananas before they crave something a little different. And who wants to turn on the oven when it’s 105 degrees outside??? I knew I needed a healthy summer kid snack.
So, for my children, I make the same snack my mom always made for us each summer. Only, I’ve added a little something different to make them a wee bit healthier.
If you are looking for a healthy summer kid snack recipe. . . something that is EASY to make, requires NO oven, and has a little bit more nutritional value than anything they have to rip out of a plastic package: Then this recipe is for you!
The original recipe calls for non-fat powdered dry milk. Some of my children have dairy issues so I’ve started substituting ground-milled flaxseed instead. Flaxseed is chocked full of Omega-3 fatty acids–the good kind. (A tablespoon of this stuff is like getting them to eat a whole plate of fish and green vegetables.) I wasn’t kidding when I said it was a HEALTHY summer kid snack. It has a powdery texture so it’s not noticeable. And, in a pinch – you can actually use it as an egg substitute in recipes! (This was a huge help during the COVID egg shortage!)
The only downside of flaxseed is it’s so healthy it may cause some bowel functions to expedite in your littlest ones…if you know what I mean. So, you may want to use a combination of flaxseed and non-fat powdered dry milk or even graham cracker crumbs.
This recipe is easy to make it whatever quantity you wish.
Here’s your list of ingredients for this healthy summer kid snack:
- Peanut Butter. I’ve used every kind. Chunky is my favorite, my kids prefer creamy. Natural may be hard but doable.
- Honey (amount equal to peanut butter)
- Ground-milled flax seeds or non-fat powdered dry milk or graham cracker crumbs (or a combination of the three that equals twice the amount of peanut butter you are using), and
- Rolled oats (not instant kind), again in same amount as your flax/powdered milk/or graham cracker crumbs.
You can have your kids help with this healthy summer kid snack recipe!
Just be prepared. It’s messy and the temptation to lick your fingers and then stick them BACK in the bowl may be too much to overcome. For this reason, I often make them solo! (Germ-a-phobia is real, my friends.)
It really doesn’t matter what order you add the ingredients in, I usually do the dry first. In this photo I used two cups of oats and flaxseed and was getting ready to add the one cup of peanut butter and one cup of honey.
Then you just want to mix. This part is messy. And form them into little balls.
Next, put them in an easy store container and send them to the fridge for an hour or two to harden up.
And what you have is a delicious, nutritious and filling treat! (Hey, if you can’t stand hearing “I’m hungry” every 30 seconds all summer long…make this healthy summer kid snack now!)
It’s just that simple!
Recipe for my favorite healthy summer kid snack: Peanut Butter & Honey Balls
2 cups Quaker Oats (not instant kind)
2 cups Milled Flaxseed, Graham Cracker Crumbs OR Non-Fat Powdered Dry Milk (or use a combo of all three)
1 Cup of Peanut Butter (I like creamy but any kind except natural that requires stirring will do)
1 Cup of Honey (organic, raw or processed or whatever you prefer)
Mix all ingredients and refrigerate for an hour or two to harden.
Yields about 36 balls depending on size.
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