Granola is my absolute guilty pleasure. Not that theres anything strictly wrong with it just perhaps four bowls at a time!
Anyway, since I spend most of my income on bags of fancy pants granola I decided to start playing around with my own recipe. I make various batches for my private clients at We Cook London, but I wanted an all-time favourite recipe that I could come back to again and again.
Without further ado, I give you my Once-A -Fortnight Healthy Granola named because I can make one big batch on Sunday and it will keep fresh and crunchy and makes exactly enough for 2 weeks of eating!

I have it every morning with Greek Yogurt and homemade berry compote, and Mike has started pinching it now too!
You can switch out any ingredients you arent so keen on nuts/seeds/dried fruits etc- just replace with equal parts of ingredients you do like!
- 250g Oats
- 100g Mixed Seeds
- 200g Nuts I used, 50g Flaked Almonds, 50g Whole Almonds, 100g Pistachios.
- 100g Dried Figs
- 80g Maple Syrup/Honey
- 80g Melted Coconut Oil
- Pinch of Salt (dont leave this out!)
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- Combine the dry ingredients altogether in a mixing bowl.
- Combine the coconut oil and syrup and then pour over the granola mix.
- Toss well for 1-2 minutes to make sure its all well combined.
- Pour onto a lined baking dish (I use a non-stick silicone mat).
- Bake in the oven at 180C for 35-40 minutes.
- NOTE: Please move the granola around in the baking dish half way through, otherwise you will get some burned bits on top and soggy bits on the bottom!
Give this a go, stock up your pantry and enjoy the smug satisfaction of a homemade bowl of granola in the morning.

This makes 750g which is about 15 servings (50g) keep stored in an airtight container a mason jar is ideal!
Let me know if you loved this recipe Chef Jen, Miss FF x