Entertaining for Breakfast doesnt have to be a stressful event. In fact it is probably the best time to entertain. Youve got the most energy of the day, it doesnt take all day to prepare and guests dont stay on until all hours of the night. Speaking honestly here, what sells it for me is its probably the most cost effective meal to entertain.
If you follow my little blog or instagram youll probably know just how often I say that the key to a relaxed, happy hosting experience is to prepare beforehand. I like to think outside the box for breakfasts. Things that arent your usual bacon and eggs or croissants oh wait, lets be real here! Nothing beats a fresh baked croissant. But if you want your guests to feel totally spoilt think of a few easy things that will work together. An easy example is my cute little menu this morning as we entertained 6 adults and 8 children.
It looked like this:
Breakfast popsicles
Breakfast grazing board
Israeli Shashuka served with fresh sourdough.
Champagne and fresh Orange Juice
Passion fruit Kombucha
Cold Drip
Really friends it was so simple to do. Once we put the kids to bed last night we set the table, I cooked up the shashuka to a point where I know the next day all I had to do was fry the eggs in the delicious mixture. As for a grazing board Im sure most of you have made them in your time. But this was really fun. Hop onto Pinterest and literally type the words in. Youll be met with a wealth of ideas to create your own style. Finally I wanted to have something ready for upon arrival. Something that took a few seconds to put together and gave a wow factor. And here the recipe (embarrassingly) is!!
500g organic plain coconut yoghurt (or any type you like)
Slices of fresh figs.
1/3 cup Organic honey
1/3 cup Organic granola or muesli
Popsicle moulds
Keep fresh fig slices aside. Mix other ingredients.
Place a fig gentle in mould. Build the mixture around it, place one more sliced fig into the mould. Completely full mixture to the top.
Serve on a platter of your choice with scattered nuts and a drizzle of honey.
Come on! You cant possibly go wrong here.
Jennifer X