Date nights are not a regular thing anymore. Let me clarify, out of the house date nights. However, on our anniversary, no matter how much we travel or what our schedule is like, we get a sitter for the kids and go out. Well, thats where this recipe came from.
On our 15 year anniversary, we went to this cute, but elegant fine dining restraunt. Amazing food! We of course, got more than we could eat because we could not choose what to get. I love shrimp, so the chef recommended his new (not on the menu yet) BOOM BOOM Shrimp appetizer to go with our annual onion rings too. (Our first foods together were onion rings and steak dinner.Onion rings come first so that is our annual tradition.) Anywho, we ordered the Boom Boom Shrimp.
Oh my, it was so scrumptious! It was a twist of Hawaiian coconut shrimp served in a sweet, but hot sauce. On a platter with jalepenos, green onions and slightly sauted pinneaple. With a hot sauce and more hawaiian flavor drizzle on top! If your mouth is not watering, I did not do it justice in describing it.
Well we call this recipe Bam Bam Shrimp- its a slightlly different twist, but with a similar flavor profile. A lot of our date nights are at home together because in our current lifestyle we travel a lot and enjoy a quiet night of cards, movie, date box, or whatever ;-) My hubby makes this for me randomly still today Okay, Il just get to it.
You will need:
A cookie or baking sheet. A package (or two) of coconut shrimp (you bake), Boom boom sauce. A glass mixing bowl. A wooden mixing spoon. ***Everything else is optional.*** That would be your green onions, pineapple in juice, honey and hot sauce.
Lets get to work!
Bake shrimp as directed. Remove from oven and place in a glass bowl. Top with your *boom boom sauce. (Some like it sopping wet, we like just drizzled and mix. Let rest for a moment to let it soak into the shrimp. Serve.
*For the Boom boom sauce. Not-homemade is just fine. Sir Kensingtons special sauce is great! If you are wanting that extra zip in a tiny class bowl mix a nice squeeze of boom boom sauce, a little dollop of honey and a few drops of your favorite hot sauce. Stir. Place our chunked pinneaple on the hot baking sheet and drizzle with your new sauce (reserve a small amount for dipping or special plating) toss into the oven on broil until the pineapple starts to color and soften. Pull pineapple from the oven and plate with your shrimp. Drizzle a tiny bit of your sauce over and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions. YUM!!!
Happy Baking! Happy Homemaking! Enjoy!