News — Spoke

Photo: Photo by Katie Emslie on Unsplash


Tags Natl, RealTalk, Spoke, SpokeContributorNetwork

Photo: Photo by Katie Emslie on Unsplash

“Just give the kids to their Dad. Why are you making things harder than they need to be?” Sometimes I overthink things. I’m not alone in this, and I agree there are simple solutions to the ‘kids only want me’ issue. Namely, give the kids to their dad and walk away. Boom. Done. In practice, however, it’s not always that easy. Or it doesn’t seem that easy even if the action is a simple one. Why do moms limit themselves or over think actions that, on the surface, take two seconds? I’ll take “Mommy Guilt” for $3000. It’s the category...

6 Must-Follow Christmas Tree Safety Tips


Tags Natl, RealTalk, Spoke, SpokeContributorNetwork

6 Must-Follow Christmas Tree Safety Tips

Photo: Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash A favorite holiday movie is “Christmas Vacation.” And one of the most memorable (and hilarious) scenes is the squirrel flying out of the Christmas tree. While funny in the movies, the threat of Christmas tree mishaps can actually be quite serious.    Unsecured Christmas trees can topple over and cause serious injury, especially to a young child, and according to reports, Christmas tree fires are the deadliest of household fires. On average, one in every 32 reported Christmas tree fires results in a death compared to an average of one death per 143 total reported home fires....