News — Politics

We’ve all done it — looked into the eyes of these people trying to find something, anything that would be an identifying mark; a glitch


Tags 1, 2, 3, Humanity, Perspective, Politics, SocialJustice, Trumpism

We’ve all done it — looked into the eyes of these people trying to find something, anything that would be an identifying mark; a glitch

  Other than a slightly-overconfident and crazed look, like they get it and we don’t, they seem like the people we grew up with; sat next to in church; those nameless faces you recognize when dropping a child off a soccer practice — hey there, how’s it going? Today, they show up everywhere donning gear that offends. You avoid them in stores because they are maskless. They think Donald Trump is a god. They think that Democrats run a child-molesting cabal and a massive, convoluted conspiracy is hell bent on enslaving all of us. They love you if the president...