I used to go to the gym multiple times a week. Even if I couldn’t fit in a proper workout, I always went for very long walks to get my steps in. With isolation being enforced vigorously in order to flatten the curve and to keep us all safe, my movement has severely decreased. The only walks I do these days are from my bedroom to the fridge and to the couch. 😉
I try to do some form of home exercise everyday though. Some yoga, stretching, and full-body exercises to keep my mind occupied and get some movement in. Of course, there is no need in doing it if you don’t feel like it. We are in an unprecedented situation and working out might not be your top priority which is totally fine. Personally, I just like to do a little bit as I am generally a very active person. If you are like me the following ideas from some of our favorite vegan athletes on how to stay fit during quarantine might be of use.
Quarantine exercise ideas from vegan athletes
Nimai Delgado, a vegan bodybuilder posts some great isolation workouts almost every day. Try his 10-minute mobility flow videos to start the day and specific exercises for different body parts using resistance bands or your own body weight. If you have a skateboard, follow along to his skateboard core exercises such as roll-outs, roll-ins, narrow plank, and plank rockers. At one point he also used his girlfriend Bianca for weight training. So, if you live with your partner and are able to pick them up to do some curls go right ahead. 😉 Check out his Instagram to get some more ideas.
On her Instagram Stories Bianca Taylor, personal trainer and former bikini bodybuilder, also offers some great ideas for home workouts. She practices yoga and meditation to stay mentally healthy, which might be more important than physical health right now. Bianca often does her stretching during online meetings. That’s a smart way of getting exercise while completing other work and completing many things during the day. On her channel, she also offers awesome dance and twerk workouts to move your entire body at once.
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I’ll hold you down while the city on lockdown🔐 ❤️ Hope you’re all staying safe and healthy! We have been quarantined at home for almost 2 weeks now and staying busy with work. Lots of quality time lately hehe🥰 – We’re both using this time at home to focus on our goals! How about you?! 💪🏽Join our 8 week vegan fitness challenge at the link in bio! No equipment home workouts, coaching, macros and more! – Our personal pages: @biancataylorm @nimai_delgado 📷 @noevier
A post shared by Bianca & Nimai | Love + Travel (@nimaiandbianca) on Mar 26, 2020 at 9:30am PDT
If you are into planking you can do one of Dana Glowacka’s plank challenges. You might know her as the Guinness World Record Holder for the female longest abdominal plank with a time of 4 hours, 19 minutes, 55 seconds. If that’s not a great home workout, I don’t know what is.
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Day 29/29 – Final Day of "The 444 Plank Flow Challenge with Vegan Warrior On!" The 29/02/2020 – is your final day to plank as long as you can, to challenge yourself and discover, how fare you can go with your mind that is stronger then your body. Just remember to listen to your body, once you start shacking a lot, it is a sign of ending line. Sending my support with plank strong everyone! #plankaroundtheworld #plankchallengearoundtheworld #444plankchallenge #plankwithme #plank #plankworldrecordholder #danaglowacka #veganwarrior #gamechanger
A post shared by Dana Glowacka (@dbg_plankdoyoga) on Feb 28, 2020 at 4:00pm PST
Or join Jahina Malik, the first-ever vegan since birth to be awarded an IFBB Pro card, in one of her home dance sessions.
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Caption this!!! #firstever #vegansincebirth #ifbbpro #physique #historymade #wpd #nonsponsored #theresoneofme #photography #keepwatching #veganbodybuilding #jehinamalik #comingfor2020O #vegan #swimbikerun #phitnessphilosophy #richies #worldfemaleathletics #bevsgym #starfitness #spartagym #coliseumgym #ucantbeme #nature #incompetitionwithnoone #modeling #sunshine #comebackofjehina
A post shared by IFBB Pro Jehina🌱 (@ifbbjehinamalik1) on Jan 29, 2020 at 10:50am PST
Patrik Baboumian, strongman, one of the featured athletes in The Game Changers documentary, and “vegan badass,” brings you some nice exercises from his garden. Grab reusable shopping bags and fill them up with anything heavy. Use books you want to read or wine bottles you are going to drink after the workout. 😉 Now you can easily do some nice reps of different exercises without having to go to the gym. You can find his video on his Youtube channel.
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@gamechangersmovie London red carpet show was great! I took the opportunity to show off my protein deficiency a bit and went on to eat ALL the popcorn in the theater. Now heading back to Germany to hit the office and work on some less existing things. Going to announce a few speaking appearances in Europe for the rest of the year soon. #teamgamechangers
A post shared by Patrik Baboumian (@patrikbaboumian) on Oct 9, 2019 at 11:48pm PDT
These are just a few examples of vegan athletes staying fit during the quarantine. There are many more options out there that might inspire you. If you are not a fitness enthusiast you might still want to check their channels out. They also offer some other great ideas such as recipes to try, or art inspiration to get through isolation.
Whether you decide to try a home workout or not, I hope you all stay safe and happy. We are all in this together and we will get through this soon. Sending you lots of love!
Also by Rebecca: 3 Gluten-free Vegan Cookies Using Just 3 Ingredients
Related: What’s The Most Sustainable Activewear Solution For An Eco Athlete? An Investigation
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Photo: Respective athletes via Instagram
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