The rock painting phenomenon is a family-friendly activity that is fun, cheap and a great way to keep the kids entertained over summer break or after school.
Why? The purpose of this phenomenon is to bring a little happiness to others and be part of a community. It’s nice to know that someone out there took the time out of their day to paint you something inspirational. Plus, you get to show your creative/artistic side by coming up with a design for your rock. You get to take something ordinary (a rock) and make it into something extraordinary!
For those of you who don’t know about this movement, here’s how it works……If you find a rock, you keep it and make another to leave somewhere else OR drop the rock off somewhere else. There are many groups out there for different communities and the group’s Facebook name is usually on the back of the rock so that you can share where you found the rock. In a lot of ways, it’s similar to a scavenger or treasure hunt.
What You Will Need:
flat, smooth rock that is cleaned off. If you can’t find any outdoors, you can buy river rocks at Dollar Tree for $1 a bag
acrylic paint (or $0.50 per bottle at Walmart)
paint marker
spray paint
paint brushes (various sizes)
Modge Podge outdoor sealant (coat the rock, after you have painted it and let it dry, to protect it from the environment so your design won’t be washed away if it rains!)
For a more detailed information about painted rocks, check out “Rock Painting Ideas and Resources”
What You Can Do With These Rocks:
Tic Tack Toe Rocks
Domino Rocks Game
Rock Magnets
Garden Markers
Educational Purposes (ABC rocks or number rocks)
Paper Weights
Pet Rocks
And much more!
There are animal, flower/nature, seasonal, mandala, word & quote rocks, and much more to choose from. These rock painting idea ideas below will give you plenty of inspiration and show you how to paint rocks!
Animal Painted Rocks
Owl Rocks from Frugal Fun 4 Boys
Bird and Flowers Rock (source unknown)
Ladybug Rocks from Crafts by Amanda
Painted Hedgehog Rocks from Easy Peasy Fun
Cute Pig Rock from 10 Marifet
Bee Rocks from Easy Peasy and Fun
Duck Rocks from Martha Stewart
Black Cat Rocks from Ebay
Panda Rock from Rock Painting 101
Cute Bug Rocks from
Penguin Rock from Lindsey Bridges Art
Colorful Fish Rock Magnets from
Hatching Chick Rock from Robin Bailey (via Pinterest)
Mouse Rock from Martha Stewart
Frog Rock from Amy Joy Art (No longer available on Etsy) via Pinterest
Caterpillar Rocks from Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons
Painted Shark Rocks from Sustain My Craft Habit
Shapes & Design Rock Painting Ideas
Rainbow Rocks from Kiwi Co.
Patterned Heart Rock from Affinity Stones (on Etsy but no longer available)
Fine White Detailed Rocks from Funnel Cloud
Mandala Rock from Colorful Crafts
Pour Paint Rocks from Happy Hooligans
Chic Rocks from Frieda Theres
Marbled Rocks from Creative Green Living
Galaxy Rocks from Adventures in a Box
Geometric Rocks from Alisa Burke
Puffy Paint Rocks from I Love to Create
Mandala Heart Rocks from Sustain My Craft Habit
Rock Photo Holder from One Little Project
Rock Dominoes from Repeat Crafter Me
Nature, Plants & Landscape Painted Rocks
Camping Rock from Etsy
Cactus Rocks DIY (video tutorial) from Wonderful DIY
Beach Rocks from Plaid Online
Branching Tree Rock from Etsy (this item is no longer available)
Colorful Floral Rock from Etsy
Rainbow, Balloon and Heart Rocks from SoFire Creations (via Facebook)
Watermelon Rocks from Testors
Strawberry Rocks from Image Events
Watermelon Rocks from Projects with Kids
Garden Rocks from Adventures in a Box
Pet Cactus from The Best Ideas for Kids
Fruit Tic Tac Toe from Everyday Dishes
Flower Rocks from Sustain My Craft Habit
Vintage Camper from Atta Girl Says
Holidays / Seasonal Rock Painting Ideas
Snowman Rocks from Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls
Snowflake Rocks from Suzy Sit Com
Halloween Rocks from Bebe and Bear
Fall Leaves Rock from I Love Painted Rocks
Patriotic Pebble from
Friendship Valentine’s Day Rocks from Red Ted Art
Painted Easter Egg Rocks from Projects with Kids
St Patrick’s Day Rocks from Just a Little Creativity
Character Rocks
Troll Rocks from The Keeper of the Cheerios
Painted Minion Rocks from Non Toy Gifts
Emoji Rocks from Cara Dura Designs
Goggly Monster Rocks from Makoodle
Rocks Huddled Around Fire from Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons
Star Wars Jawa Rocks from Crafts by Amanda
Garden Thing Rocks from Instructables
Quote & Word Painted Rocks
Faith Can Move Mountains from Etsy
Life is Beautiful Waves Rock from ArtRocks
Happy Rock from Etsy
Kindness Word Rocks from Dabbles and Babbles
Colorful Courage Rock from
Pink Dream Rock from Etsy
Rainbow Love Rock from Etsy
You Rock from Etsy
Rainbow Quote Rock from Rene Angelou (via Pinterest)
Be Happy Rock from Connie (via Pinterest)
Change Rock from Stenelene (via Instagram)
Thought Bubble Rocks from Cindy Mohrbach (via Pinterest)
Believe Rock from Heart Made Stone Art (via Instagram)
Stupid People Quote Rock from Jennifer Penn (via Pinterest)
I Love My Cat Paw Print Rock from Creations by Pam (via Facebook)
Life is Short Quote from Jack & Mom Zsg (via Instagram)
Feel Good Painted Rocks from Plaid Online
Various Quote Rocks from Plaid Online
Tropical Paradise Rocks from Doodle Craft
Garden Marker Rocks from Crafts by Amanada
Kindness Rock from Crafts Unleashed
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The post 100 Best Painted Rocks appeared first on Prudent Penny Pincher.
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